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the hypnos inflatable pillow hoodie: new kickstarter project lets you sleep anytime, anywhere

by:Sunshinepack     2019-09-07
It has five days left, but a new Kickstarter has raised more than $180,000 and its goal is to sell a hoodie with inflatable pillows.
This quirky invention, supported by funding, can revolutionize Londoners subway and bus travel, allowing tired commuters and night shift workers to get 40 blinks as they travel through the city
The jacket concept is called \"the best sleep hoodie in the world\" by its creator, with a secret pillow hidden in its hood that the wearer can inflate manually.
The hoodie itself is made up of a Middleweight, ultra-
Soft cotton mixture, weighing enough to keep you warm on the go, the hood is large enough to form a profile on the head and sleeping surface --
Whether it\'s the bus window or the back of Uber.
When you\'re done sleeping, you can deflate and remove the hood and put the jacket back in what looks like a plain, Inconspicuous dress.
The Kickstarter project was launched by US apparel and those who want to help busy people catch those who are critical for extra sleep time, we often ignore and tend to open one more episode on Netflix, or a drink in the bar.
The company said it plans to make jumpers and zip-style jackets in neutral tones in black, white and gray.
The program has surpassed the initial modest target of $30,000, and the quality people have registered thousands to get sleep --
Friendly hoodie
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