Air Packaging Supplies

The Benefits of Trifold Packaging

by:Sunshinepack     2020-03-30
Thermoformed plastic packaging allows for a variety of different customizable solutions. Because items aren't all shaped alike and need different containers to properly store them, a variety of plastic formats are available. Trifold is one of the most versatile of custom formats because of its varying methods of display. It can also be customized according to the needs of the client for the durability of the packaging as well as how the item would appear in the client's store or display. Trifold provides flexibility for client's custom needs. The Creation of Trifold Packaging The process that trifold undergoes is intricate by varying degrees according to the client's needs. Any form of custom packaging must go through the first design process, which takes into consideration what the client is exactly looking for to package their goods. As the packaging is designed, prototypes are created for the client to consider. This process includes choosing the materials necessary for the custom as well as the shape, the actual thermoforming process and how thIs will be displayed for the consumer. Trifold packaging is mainly created with clear materials such as PVC and PET to allow consumers the viewing of the items within. This method is also created on larger machines and needs more material to create it; which creates a costlier but more intricate design.Because of the varying custom packaging methods available to clients, all of the client's needs can be considered to provide the best solution. Trifold allows the client to portray their items to the consumer and still be able to properly store the item until purchase. Trifold packaging provides flexibility for client's custom needs. Thermoformed plastic packaging allows for a variety of different customizable solutions. Trifold Packaging for Retail Because trifold packaging allows the retailer to display the items in a variety of ways, the consumer can easily view the item. Trifold can either stand upright because of the package's built in bottom stand or the package can be hung on pegs. As well, this can be stacked for easier storage and for easier display. This method of custom packaging also allows for the to be smaller than the item it is storing which prevents from some costlier process runs. Another benefit to trifold is that the plastic allows for a seal to be created on the package to prevent theft. Trifold packaging provides flexibility for client's custom needs. Thermoformed plastic packaging allows for a variety of different customizable solutions.
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