Is Air Column Bag tested before shipment?
Every Air Column Bag supplied by Dongguan Sunshinepack Industrial Co., Ltd. should be tested before shipment. We take it seriously to control the product quality. During the test, the performance, service life, etc. are all considered.

Dongguan Sunshinepack Co., Ltd, the professional manufacturer of high-quality inflating machine, has been playing an important role for years in the industry. The air column roll series has become a hot product of Sunshinepack. Sunshinepack bubble pack is precisely designed and manufactured based on customer specific requirements. Its high airtightness protects the goods from moisture. The product has the advantage of abrasion resistance. It has the ability to resist abrasion caused by scraping or rubbing. Its quality is tested by SGS, and it contains zero heavy metals.

The attention of our team brand would be to maintain optimizing our own service. Contact us!

Dongguan Sunshinepack Co., Ltd, the professional manufacturer of high-quality inflating machine, has been playing an important role for years in the industry. The air column roll series has become a hot product of Sunshinepack. Sunshinepack bubble pack is precisely designed and manufactured based on customer specific requirements. Its high airtightness protects the goods from moisture. The product has the advantage of abrasion resistance. It has the ability to resist abrasion caused by scraping or rubbing. Its quality is tested by SGS, and it contains zero heavy metals.

The attention of our team brand would be to maintain optimizing our own service. Contact us!